
I am blessed in my music-making & music-teaching to work recurringly & ongoingly with wonderful colleagues, like my fellow teachers at WLU & the Beckett School @ Laurier and host of wonderful musical collaborators like Stephen Runge, Spiritus Ensemble, and Turning Point Ensemble, to name just a few.


ANIMA Musical Ensemble.

I am also, with Luke Hathaway, co-artistic director of ANIMA

ANIMA, a metamorphosing ensemble, is the gathering-place in art of vocalist Daniel Cabena and lyricist Luke Hathaway: a place of friendship, of sustaining story; a place where old texts and melodies are animated by spirit and voice.

Anima (from the Latin for air, breath, life, soul, spirit) was Jung’s term for ‘the true inner self that is in communication with the unconscious’ — and, beyond that, for ‘an archetype present in a man or woman from which the female aspects of the personality are derived’. It speaks to us of the dissolution of binaries — even as distinctions between one and another are honoured, respected, sustained, and explored; of the ways in which we have sought to understand One anOther, in artistic collaboration, through poetry, liturgical theatre, and song. 

We seek not so much to perform for audiences as to include them.